Thursday 27 November 2008

Locations For Thriller Film.

Initially, I went location scouting around the area on mousehold heath in Norwich, and found Gurney Road. Tamas then went back and found other roads in the surrounding area, and photographed them.

For our thriller opening we need three locations. One of these is a narrow, winding road, preferably with street lights and with a ditch next to it or nearby. The second location that we need is a tall building, with its windows lit-up and preferably with external lighting from the ground, shining up at it. The third and final location is a room with a desk and a big chair.
For the road and ditch, we decided to use the roads around Mousehold Heath, as I found out that they have streetlights. We found that Gurney Rd. would have been perfect, as it was very winding and had streetlights on both sides. However, unfortunately it was so busy that we were unable to take pictures of it let alone be able to film on it. But, we found a very good little narrow road coming off it which had streetlights on one side and had no traffic, and we also found a Gilman Rd. - which is now a footpath and cycle path. Because of this it would have been ideal to film on, however it did not have streetlights, and we wouldn’t have been able to use car lights either so we’d have no lighting.

Here are the pictures we took:

These are photographs of a small road, coming off Gurney Road and linking to Britannia Road that we have decided to use for our thriller. (above)

These are photographs of Gilman Road, which was a road we considered using for our road shots, but decided against because of lack of lighting. (above)

These are photographs of the ditch we decided to use to throw our "dead body" into. (above)

For the building, we looked around at the Norwich Union buildings, and then at the new buildings near the football ground at Riverside. (below)

This Norwich Union Building (above) In the City Centre of Norwich is the building we chose to use.

Here are the riverside buildings we considered (below):

For the room with a desk and chair, we chose to use a classroom at CNS. But the photographs below are the desks we considered at first. The final desk we use for filming will be added at a later date. Obviously though, when we are shooting we’d take much more care concerning the composition and framing.

Here are the desks from a classroom at school (below):

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