Friday 6 February 2009

Our Cast

For our thriller opening we needed four male (preferably not student) actors. They would play the parts of Patrick Callaghan, Aidan Quinlan, Sean McLennan and Connor Malone. To pick our cast we used convienience and age, as this was the quickest way to pick the four actors we wanted to use. We needed an older man to play the part of Patrick Callaghan because his part is a boss, and a crime leader in our opening. He is also threatening, but the 3 other men in the film are supposed to come accross as this too. (The character profiles have more detail about the mens characteristics).
Here are our 4 actors:

Phil Buttinger as Patrick Callaghan.

We thought that this man fit the look of the character we are asking him to play, because he looks like a man who could be threatening to others and fits the age category he needs to be in to be a boss/crime leader.

Leon Hogarth as Aidan Quinlan.

We again thought that Leon fit the character we needed him to play, as he is tall and big therefore has a threatening appearence.

Patrick Bloomfield as Sean McLennan

Ralf Kendall as Connor Malone.
For these two characters we did not think that facial features were important as the other two because they do not have a focused shot on them, so we tried to fit them into an age group rather than what they looked like.
However, after we had chosen the two actors we found to play are parts had to cancel because of certain school rules. We tried to find replacements that fit the part as well as they did, but due to lack of time we had to go with who we thought was best and not be too picky.
Here are the two actors we decided to replace them with:

Josh Rowe as Sean Mclennan

Louis Martin as Connor Malone

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